Backed up with Multi Dimensional Experience gained with renowned Schools as an Educationist & in Operational Management / Administration, the natural abilities and keen interest in School Safety &
Quality Controls, were further enhanced by becoming a Leading Parent guiding Vital School Committees, thereby completing the cycle of explicitly understanding all aspects of a Fully Functional School.
Expertise & in-built skills were further fine tuned by professionally specializing in Safety, Training & Organisation Management.
Being Well Traveled, have developed deep Insight into Safety & Quality Parameters in countries which are known for Exemplary Standards
in these Fields. Safety, Quality & Training as Core Expertise was Achieved by creating a Complete & Practical School Safety & Quality Management System / Manual which has become the Backbone of Training & Consultancy Sessions. This Comprehensive Management System has been co-authored by her husband
Capt. Imran Khan - Licensed Master Mariner, Sdpo & Member IOSH, U.K (Worlds Biggest Professional Health & Safety Chartered Body) with nearly 25 Years Sailing experience in International sectors which are subjected to Stringent Safety, Security & Quality Regulations
Contributions have been recognized and implemented practically in various schools based on the Inputs given under different capacities. Same has been Acknowledged by India’s Premier and Largest K-12 Education Media (Fairgaze) by enrolling on the Panel of Mentors as an Expert Advisor for School Safety and Quality Management
Why is it essential for every School to ensure and maintain Safety standards